AMBI-Green Limited

Harnessing the power of medical cannabis.

About Us

Since 2021

AMBI-GREEN Limited is a start-up, private limited liability company that was registered with the Rwanda Development Board in February 2021. The company aims to capitalize on the opportunity of medical cannabis genetics cultivation, processing, and export, following the recent passage of a government bill that allows for the cultivation of medical cannabis for export purposes only.

AMBI-GREEN Limited recently received license approval to operate in Rwanda, and is working towards becoming a market leader in medical cannabis research and development by applying specialized technology to produce quality and standardized medical cannabis, creating sustainable value for stakeholders through a team of dedicated staff.

Our Mission

To be a market leader in medical cannabis research and development, applying high end specialized technology to produce quality and standardized medical cannabis, creating sustainable value for our stakeholders through a team of dedicated staff.


AMBI-GREEN Limited has a vision of becoming the leading producer and exporter of quality medical cannabis in Africa.


  • Process Excellence
  • Product Quality
  • Integrity

It's time to embrace a new cannabis narrative...

Our Products


Hemp is the strongest natural fiber in the world. It is known to have over 50.000 uses.

Distillate (THC)

THC is used to help with the following: pain , muscle spasticity ,glaucoma & insomnia

CBD Isolate

Helps With many health and wellness issues with

Finished Goods


Invest in Rwanda

Investor-friendly Environment

Rwanda is the number in Africa in the World Bank Ease of Doing Business Report, highly digitalized and efficient business administration, and low corruption rates.

Investment Incentives

Rwanda provides for a preferential corporate tax rate, allows for accelerated depreciation of up to 50% for the first year, and also provides a tax holiday of up to 7 years.

Favorable tax regime

Rwanda has the lowest total effective tax in the region and has no restriction on the acceleration team.

Dedication to foreign investment

Rwanda provides a smooth environment for DFI with free registration of foreign companies, zero restriction on foreign ownership and capital flow.

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